Individualise your Holistic Skin Care

essential oil bottle on pink flower background
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Since the inception of the medical industry, holistic healthcare has existed as a lesser known entity in a parallel, but less respected, universe, it seems.

Plants vs Medicine

It’s a question worth asking, why did society at large turn its back on the plants and formulas that sustained people’s health for centuries.

Perhaps we’re just gullible to the marketing. Should you return to individualise your holistic skin care regime?

In recent years, with more and more speculation that the medical profession is in bed (or at least in the bank) with the pharmaceutical industry, holistic approaches are on the rise. 

Who you trust with your health has become crucial.

Meanwhile, it’s not as difficult as it may seem to individualise your holistic skin care. The key is to learn what ingredients with which you and your body react well. Products are easily tailored to your unique biology, needs and preferences.

After all, each person has a specific gut microbiome, which plays a central role in maintaining the skin barrier.

Contrary to common belief and to many big-brand cosmetics marketing campaigns, this means that no one product will work for everyone.

Your skin’s needs are tied directly to your digestive health.

Individualise your holistic skin care with international stats