How do you interpret skin problems? Could they be more than skin deep?
So you’re in your thirties, or perhaps forties, and you feel like your skin is plagued with acne. Only, wasn’t acne a hormonal thing, supposed to be finished after your teenage years? How, at your ripe old… (sorry!) middle age, are you still dealing with the youthful problem of breakouts, irritations, perhaps oily skin and unsightly blotches? Of course, you’re a master, now, at covering it up with makeup solutions, but isn’t it time to outgrow this problem, finally??
What if every health problem was deeper than its physical symptom? Acne on your face, for instance, could indicate something challenging you that’s more than its skin depth… After all, you introduce yourself and recognize people by faces first. You communicate, seeing through your face and sensing what’s around you.

Let’s Ask Your Subconscious
Before reaching for an external treatment, reach for a journal and a pen. Chances are your persistent irritations stem from something deep in your subconscious, or is there a conscious irritation you’ve been neglecting? It likely has roots in communication or how you carry yourself forward into the world. Give it some thought!
Hidden anxieties are everywhere. We all hold attachment patterns, seeking approval and have needs we hold close to our hearts, but some of these are itching to be expressed or released (no pun intended).
Ask yourself these questions and any more that arise:
- Are there areas of my life in which I’m not fully expressing myself?
- Do I have repressed fear, shame or insecurities I have been hiding from myself and others?
- Are there communication issues I’ve tucked away out of my attention, but really need to address head on? (Think of people, situations, or feelings that don’t sit right within you.)
- Can I think of areas of my life where I can identify irritation, itches or desires that are more than skin deep, and yet I’ve overlooked acting upon them?
Write. Don’t think. Even, ask yourself these questions on the paper. Ponder them for a minute or two and journal-out whatever comes to you. Don’t filter it. Just write. You may be surprised as to the real source of your skin problems revealed through this process.
Meanwhile, naturally healing topical treatments can help you look and feel better and soften the irritations you carry. You will have most of these botanicals already in your kitchen or pantry, so give them a try:
Brew some chamomile tea and apply it as a toner, or pick up a soothing Chamomile Soap such as Dhana’s Pure & Pretty. With these solutions, you’re engaging the polyphenols and phytochemicals present in the chamomile flower that are known to fight inflammation and relieve skin irritations, naturally.
Chamomile is a gentle but powerful treatment for acne scars, reducing wrinkles and helping to alleviate rosacea and eczema. Drinking it never hurts either. As you’re likely aware, it is calming relief that will set you up for a peaceful nights’ sleep.
High in zinc, calcium, copper and potassium as well as anti-inflammatory eugenol, rooibos tea is a powerhouse acne fighter. You may choose to drink the brew, use it as a face toner, or employ chemical-free rooibos skincare bars that combine with healing oils to give your face your desired clear glow.
Further, Castor Oil, despite its sticky consistency is composed of ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid that promotes hydrated skin, while opposing the production of skin oils from within your body. It is these oils that enhance more acne, so cutting them back can be a first step in natural healing. Apply it alone, topically or in a gentle facial bar such as Dhana’s Against the Grain shaving bar where it’s coupled with skin-healing rooibos.
Eczema & Psoriasis
Coconut Oil, oats and tea tree essential oil are your new best friends when it comes to alleviating the itch of dry skin that comes with eczema and psoriasis. (We don’t claim that these skin diseases are the same, however, their natural remedies are aligned, so we’ll address them here together.) As counterintuitive as it is to add oil in place of a moisturizer, know that moisturizing lotions contain water, pulling moisture from your skin rather than giving it back. Massage coconut oil into affected areas and notice the rich hydrated sensation. Now repeat as often as feels comfortable for your skin.
A mask of oats applied to affected areas of your skin, may bring relief from itching, drawing impurities out. Tea tree oil holds strong antiseptic qualities, but must be used carefully, only ever diluted in a carrier oil. Consider Dhana’s Align-mint Shampoo & Body Bar, containing a gentle blend of rosemary, peppermint and tea tree essential oils, which has a track record of helping to heal eczema and psoriasis among a growing number of friend and community members.
Get out into the world…
The best way to realize the social triggers that bring out irritations on your skin and in your comfort zone is to get out and be with people. This time of year, with holidays in the air, there are opportunities for comfort and challenge as families come together. What better time, before that dreaded trip home, to prioritize your needs, get to know your triggers and identify how you choose to respond to the things that irritate you and the people you surround yourself with.
More often than not, the problem and the solution are more than skin deep. Comment below if you find external triggers activate your skin conditions or your have healthcare reactions to various forms of stress. We’d love to hear what effects you and how you deal with it.